
61 Movie Reviews

27 w/ Responses

4 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Next time, put more effort into it.

Newgrounds is supposed to host only the best flashes. I think you have forgotten that. Remember that when making your next flash.

ZekeySpaceyLizard responds:


Aren't you tired of making crap flashes?

I mean your flashes just barely pass judgment day after day. Do you have shame? I know mass-voting is responsible for saving your flashes, but isn't that a bit shameless and disrespectful to NG for submitting shit that you know is crappy? It's also very disingenuous.

TheStarSyndicate responds:

More than half of the U.S. population is overweight. But being obese is different from being overweight. An individual is considered obese when weight is 20% (25% in women) or more over the maximum desirable for their height. When an adult is more than 100 pounds overweight, it is considered morbid obesity.

Obesity is also defined as a BMI (body mass index) over 30 kg/m2. Patients with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 are considered overweight, but not obese.


[waking up noises] Oh, is Threestar's toon over? Man, I slept right through it.

TheStarSyndicate responds:

you're a clever one, aren't you?

Good but the graphics need improving

I liked the story, and the voices were well done, but it needs better graphics and needs to be longer.

I love the rabbit scene...

But your voices are terrible impersonations. And your graphics suck. And this is badly made. But good idea.

You hijacked into their accounts

I lost all respect that I ever had for you guys. Instead of ruining other people's good name, why don't you submit original stuff?

TheStarSyndicate responds:

we didnt hijack their accounts, we just played around with our profiles so it looks like we are them.

And obviously, they didnt make those movies, im sure everyone figured that out.

Not the best...

But a good start. Better than all of the DailyToons combined, so you're off to a good start. :)

I voted zero on this...

So I am not a whore.

I tried to blam this...

So I guess I'm not a whore, according to the person who wrote the flash "about mass voting" and I will vote zero on whatever submission you guys send in unless it is some quality shit, like catpiss.

You all suck.

Age 39, Male

part time shit

El Sobrante (SF bay area)

Joined on 8/1/04

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